Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hair Wrapping Discrimination

As many of you have seen from pictures I've posted, I wrap my head/hair in what is called a tichel (a traditional Jewish hair wrap) for personal reasons that I won't go into here. I know many women who wrap their hair for various reasons ranging from hair care to religious beliefs to energy healing and protection. These woman are just as varied in their cultural backgrounds and skin color.

What I think is great about hair wrapping is that it is something that we can share and that brings us together. On boards and forums and groups we share wrapping techniques, scarf sales, tutorials, and more. Another thing we share is stories of discrimination and attacks (verbal and physical, passive and confrontational) that many of us have gone through or are going through. One story of attack has just hit the media and I wanted to share and put in my two cents.

June Rivas dealt with discrimination at her work place where her boss told her she could not wear a hair wrap despite no dress code being put in place at the time. She reported the issue and shared her experience on Facebook where it was then picked up by various online media.

While June's experience isn't unique (sadly) the way she handled it was - she complied with the dress code in a very unique way...COSPLAY! I was so impressed by this. My favorite of her outfits was Zoe from Firefly. 
I do not know yet what the outcome of the discrimination report or how her boss has reacted to this fantastic show of rebellion (If you find a source, please share). 
I wanted to share this story because this is not just June's problem, or a black woman's problem. 

This is a problem for every woman who wears a "cultural head wrap." 

This is my problem and the problem my friends share and must stand against for our own rights of religious and cultural expression. 
If you or someone you know is undergoing discrimination because of this or similar dress, please stand up for yourself and your sisters. Do so peacefully, with flare if you can. ^_^

Share your solidarity and how you wrap with #hairwrapsisters on Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Breastfeeding Book Update

Not that long ago, I announced that my story of breastfeeding my son will be, in part, in a book by Serenity Grows. I just read an email updating me on the project and wanted to share the excitement!

BF Book Project Update

We are so excited to share with you the newest updates! The graphic designer is in her final stages and we will have a cover soon. The stories are completely edited and placed in order. Also, we have a name for our book!!! *Drum roll please*

The book is called
"Supported in Breastfeeding: 
Stories of Nourishing Wisdom"
We hope you love it as much as we do. <3

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Lil Pumpkin's First Road Trip

I took my Lil Pumpkin on his first road trip! Granted, we didn't go far (not even as far as we had initially planned) but it was still the longest he's been in a car and the furthest he has been from home since birth and it was a lot of fun.

My mother-in-law, her mother, me and Lil Pumpkin started our day with the intention to head south to Kenai, AK because I have never been there and MIL loves it there. Before we can head down the road very far, my father-in-law calls and asks MIL if she's checked the news report for south of Anchorage because there is a fire. After looking at reports on her smart phone and calling 511 for the traffic report for Seward, we learn that the McHugh fire is a lot bigger than we had thought and worried that, if we were to get past it and down into Kenai, we wouldn't be able to get back home that night (we later learned we were right in thinking this). 
Obligatory selfie for Daddy
So we went north through Willow into Talkeetna, AK - land of the Mayor Stubbs (a cat...really). We've been to Talkeetna before, or, the adults have. This is Pumpkin's first time and he seemed to enjoy the trip a good deal. 

Our first stop was for breakfast at Millers in Houston, AK. The best part was the photo opportunities

Biggest ice cream ever!
In Talkeetna we met all sorts of people who told Pumpkin just how adorable he was. One lady made a big greeting, welcoming him to the World. I couldn't help but laugh and thank her before moving along. 
I bought a raven mug that I love (and is the perfect size for coffee. My MIL bought me a book I wanted at the gifts store written by a local author:
The book is a fantasy novel that takes place in Talkeetna. AK and New Orleans, LA. Anyone who knows me can tell you I LOVE New Orlean (I was even married there). So far I'm liking the beginning so expect a review!
We of course took a few touristy pictures while there:

The only down side was the trip was a good big shorter than we had intended so we made sure to stop as frequently as side attractions allowed. 
As we headed home, we stopped at Sheep Creek Lodge in Willow, AK and had a burger (Pumpkin has potatoes and gravy). Outside of the lodge I found a stone with a smile on it and the words "Trail of Smiles Project" on the front and on the back #91 and a link. Looking it up I discovered Trail of Smiles site and social media pages. 
I happily posted that we had found #91 and would be sure to pass it along. What a fun project to be part of!

We also stopped at a place where a man does wood carvings. He wasn't there but we made sure to get pictures of the pieces he had outside. 

We even stopped in a thrift store where I got some shoes an a chalkboard for when Pumpkin gets old enough to play with chalk without eating it. 

Now we are home and rested from such an eventful day. I'm sure Pumpkin feels like a celebrity with so many people telling him how cute he is and all the pictures. It doesn't seem to have gone to his head as he plays with his drum and blocks. Looking forward to many more adventures to come. 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Nature Sensory Play for Baby

I am one of those people who LOVES Pinterest and gets tons of ideas of things to make or do with my little one on there. I try my best to actually do the things I pin rather than hoard the ideas away in virtual space, though I know there are so many ideas out there that I love that it will be a long year of acting to get a quarter of them done.
One of the fantastic pins I found was for a nature sensory play for my lil Pumpkin without the risk of him eating or mouthing on something harmful! Score!
This activity is from Hands On As We Grow - Nature Sensory Bag Suncatcher
A No-Mess Way for Toddlers to Explore Nature

I saw the post, was immediately inspired, grabbed a quart bag (a gallon felt a little large for experimenting with) and went outside to find fun, colorful plants and flowers to put in it.

To the bag went rose petals, pumpkin leaves, birch leaves, and even some tomato flowers from the green house along with various leaves from herbs there. I taped the bag to Pumpkin's chair tray and buckled him in for some fun while I got a few chores done. He was thrilled!

The only problem I had was with the tape I used.
If you plan to do this activity, be sure to still use non-toxic plants in the bag just in case your wee one tears or chews a hole in the bag and drinks the water or eats the plant material within.
I plan to repeat this activity often especially as the seasons change and new plant pieces become available or look different.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

How can a Mama Save the World?

I hadn't planned to write about this and I have no intention of writing about groups of people and whether they're right or wrong for their pain, rage, beliefs, etc. I only want to write about the pain I see within the community of bloggers, mothers, and friends.
I recently read a blog post about another pagan mother grieving for the state of the world we live in. I spoke to a friend who is distraught by the actions of local shooters even as she feels she understands their anger. My sister is told by the company she works for to leave the city she lives in for a weekend out of fear of acts of violence. A friend of the family leaves his country to visit us the day an attacker kills 75 of his fellow citizens - men, women, and children.

There is so much pain and hate and anger that it is easy to focus on this. I understand when I hear people say there is no hope. It seems that the majority of the US believe that either there is only war and violence to come therefore we should prep for an apocalyptic outbreak or that they only resolution is for a Christian God to act physically upon us by destroying the evil and taking up those who are good. If you are one of these people, part of me envies you. It would be so simple and so easy to believe this way - so easy for this to be the truth. Its harder to live in a world that needs people to save it because in order for people to act they must first change - change within is the hardest thing a person can do, in my opinion.

We live in a noisy world. We hear the static of news, social media, radio, phone calls and text messages. I sit now with my napping son and am aware of every door shutting and dirt bike whirring outside and wondering if the cacophony of life will wake him after he has fight a nap all morning. Our world is so noisy that there are times when the only way I can hear the voice of the divine is when I go into the shower and stand, or sit or kneel and pray under the white noise of the water beating down on me and the walls. Then, in the heat and spray and fog I am transported to Fensalir, the hall of my Lady, and she tells me she understands the despair of the wives and mothers of this world. She says that I can make a difference. I can take care of myself and my son and my husband with a loving heart, discernment, and nourishment. I can encourage other women to do the same and by nourishing ourselves, our families, and our communities, we can change things for the better.

We mothers have to make very hard decisions regarding the safety and well-being of our children. We study the facts and make hard choices about vaccines, medications, what food to grow or buy, whether to fight against a loved one feeding our little one jello or simply to let it go because harsh actions and words can sometimes do worse than red dye 40. We feel fear and guilt daily but try our very best to act out of love.
Protecting my son is one of the hardest things I can ever imagine doing.

Recently, in all the noise and pain over shootings and danger in public places and large cities, I heard a situation close to home and unreported in the news. A small group of young boys were caught engaged in sexual exploration together. The parents were shocked and worried and angry. I could not help but to think that while curiosity is expected and, yes these children should have been better attended to, how can we be surprised when we look at media today that these same kids are exposed to.
Television shows that are supposedly made for children and rated as such are filled with sex and violence all with the sugar coating of bright colors, animation, and sound stage laughter. The new movie Pets is one such movie that I feel is a very good example of my meaning. I have not seen this movie but I have seen the ads that are all over tv from Disney to Hallmark to Lifetime.
On the ads songs like Guess My Name by the Rolling Stones which is about Lucifer and the violence that he is attributed with and the song Bounce by System of a Down which is a song about an orgy. Songs about satan and orgies on a kids movie? I'm not even a Christian and I'm appalled by the choices the people who made this movie have made by using the first song and I believe any mother would question the reason for the second song.

Another movie ad that I was shocked by was the Chipmunk Roadtrip movie. I'm personally annoyed with the new Chipmunks in general but I try not to let my artistic preferences be a huge factor for whether a movie or show should be seen by children. I was shocked by the inclusion of the chipmunks singing "I like big butts" because what child should be singing that or understanding words in the song like "get sprung."

It is this same when it comes to the over-sexualization of breastfeeding and cosleeping in society. This is just my opinion but I feel this sexualization of all things is grown from the sexual stimulation of the pre-pubescent mind. But I digress and don't claim to know enough psychology for that conversation.
With this going on, how can we be surprised when children follow up on the curiosities and ideas given to them by media? Is it right? No. But how can we stop it?

I say we stop the sexualization and violent influence by being proactive about protecting our children and also by looking through the lense of mothers when making judgments about other people. When looking at a homeless man on the street, look at him and consider that this man was once someone's baby. When we think about shootings and terrorism whether home grown or abroad, consider that all of these people involved were once children who have somehow been led down the wrong path and made horrible choices that brought them to this moment in time.
I chose my faith and make my decisions with the idea of loving and protecting my child. I particularly am fond of the Waldorf philosophy of educating and raising children in that they believe a child is still being born into their etheric body until the changing of the teeth (around age 7) and to let them be innocent children till then. As they begin the changing of the teeth, their etheric body is born (this is the body that many people refer to when discussing chakras and auras) and the astral body is developing to be born when the child reaches puberty (generally between ages 12 and 14).
We see today that children are growing up faster and faster because of mental and physical changes pressed upon them from media causing the introduction of concepts way beyond their years to the foods they are given causing hormonal changes. If we can protect our children from these changes, allow them to remain children until they are ready to be otherwise, perhaps we can stop the terror and pain the world is in right now.
I look for ways to ensure my son remains a child. I consider the amount of television he is exposed to - including news programs watched by family members. He is a baby, and surely doesn't understand what is being said around him, but the energy of it does effect him much as my own breathing and emotions effected him when he was in my womb. I consider his foods and avoid certain fish and chicken that has been modified with hormones and soy so that his little body isn't effected by chemicals that can induce puberty early on. I look carefully into the ingredients of soaps and cleansers used on and around him. I encourage toys that do not act upon him but rather require him to be the one to initiate play. I sing songs and read stories that encourage morals and ethics and hope. Is this enough? I can't say for sure. I can only say that I am trying really damn hard.

I know many may think I am naive. Some might say this is too simple or too passive.
I say this is much harder than hating and fearing and prepping and lashing out. 
This requires not only fighting against the mainstream but also requires faith in goodness when there is so little goodness to be seen according to media and people that you and I are talking to. It requires focus on small things to avoid being overwhelmed by big things. Its looking at and admiring the leaf and petals of a flower or the beginning stages of a round little pumpkin while knowing that children are starving and women are being abused and men are being killed because of their beliefs everywhere. Its looking at the wide eyes and smile of my son as he learns to crawl and realizing I am learning to walk in this world as well because I too need to learn balance.

I hope that I am not on my path alone. I hope that there is a tribe out there for me and my family. I hope that peace will come to my mind and heart and to the world. I hope that one day I will not feel this gut wrenching fear that I have when I think about my son growing up and going into the world. I hope and I pray.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I'm in the Breastfeeding Book Project

I wanted to share my excitement that my breastfeeding story will be in the Breastfeeding Book Project over on Serenity Grows.
I saw this a while back thought, sure I'm happy to share. As a mother who attempted a natural birth and ended up with a c-section, I know that my story is both unique and yet one that many women also have been through/will go through. I wrote up a paragraph or two about my experience and emailed it in.
After submitting my story I got a generic "thanks" response and that they would get back to me if my story was selected. To be honest, I was a little doubtful at the time that my story would make the cut.

July 2nd, I got an email from Maranda of Serenity Grows:
Dear Mommas,

If you are receiving this email, CONGRATULATIONS! Your story submission has been chosen to be a part of our Breastfeeding Book Project!
I'm thrilled to announce that we are in the final editing phases of the book. The cover is being completed by a graphic artist as I type this. And distribution channels have been made. We are expecting its launch on October 1st, 2016 and pre-sell orders available in September!
Thank you all so much for contributing your heartfelt stories and sharing the beautiful rawness and truth of breastfeeding. If you have any questions, feel free to send them my way.

Love, light, + sunshine!

I bounced with happiness. As an aspiring author, this was a great step in the direction I want to be on! I wrote back with the tentative title: "Beautiful Post-Op Connection" and sent this picture:
I'm stoked about the project and will be sure to let you all know when the book is available.

Breastfeeding Blessings!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Our Favorite Pagan Parenting Resources

As a couple that sees the world through the lense of our spiritual beliefs, when we learned we were to become parents and therefore the spiritual custodians to a small person we took to every resource we had (books, people, the internet...) to figure out what pagan parenting looked like.
"What about this site?" - Damon
"No time, gotta take sleeping baby selfie!" - December
We, like many pagans, were not raised within our beliefs and had backgrounds where the religion of our parents (Catholic and Christian) was a huge factor in how we spent weekends, holidays, summers, etc. How do we, as pagans, translate these fun and educational childhood experiences into something our child can learn from and use without feeling indoctrinated and pressured? We don't promise we've figured that out - we're just now getting ready to start potty training and hoping to catch up on some sleep after a bought of teething. We did, however, think others like us could benefit from a collection of resources we found supper helpful and enjoyable!

5 Pagan Parenting Resources

Primoridal Willow (
One of my all time favorite witch resources for the family. I find Danie very inspiring both on her site and on her Facebook page. It was also very cool that we both had babies around the same time recently. Everything from her WAHM resources to her Pagan Parenting and Homeschooling articles are awesome! If you only go to one resource on this list, this should be it. She also has a great Pinterest account.
Little Pagan Acorns (
I'm particularly fond of their homeschooling printables. Even if you don't homeschool your kids, if you are starting to include them in your practice and tradition these printables could be a great way to explain or share with them. This is also a great resource if you want to bring printables or craft ideas to a pagan gathering where children will be present.
Ozark Pagan Mama (
This site is quiet now but still FULL of great witchy mama goodies. I'm a particular fan of the Heathen and Druidry posts on this blog as many other pagan parenting resources are from Wiccans and it's always good to see views that are a little closer to o
Pooka Pages (
Super fun activities, stories, coloring pages, and more for your witchlings. This site is a little old and doesn't look updated but I love its whimsical look!
Sarah Petruno's Blog (
This blog has some fantastic posts on how to handle situations where your child is showing psychic tendencies as well as imaginary friends, monsters, etc.

Please consider stopping in a moment and answering some questions on this Pagan Parenting Survey!