Monday, September 21, 2015

Our Anniversary

Years Ago Today...
Damon and I were legally married in the magickal city of New Orleans, Louisiana. 
Then again...some things were quite traditional. 
We were married in front of St. Louis Cathedral on Jackson Square.
The original plan was to be married here, at Pirate Alley, but there were complications with the Catholic church not wanting us there. That's ok, we got Jackson Square with all of its musicians and crowd for free - the entire square was silent for the ceremony (which is really something to see so many strangers holding space for us and then celebrating with us!) and it was perfect. 
Of course, us being who we are, and New Orleans being what it is...we couldn't just have a normal wedding and honeymoon. We had to fit in trips to voodoo queen tombs, famous cemeteries, pirate bars, and homes of horror authors. 
I'd do it all again.