Amber teething necklaces are very common today and found at most baby boutiques, supermarket baby sections, and, of course, online.
My son wears one, especially when we're going out and our normal routine is thrown off - meaning I don't necessarily have easy access to our go-to teething remedies like a cold wet washcloth.
I wear one too, though mine is a little more elaborate with different shaped beads and chips and the inclusion of jet. Lil Pumpkin loves it when I wear this necklace because he can fiddle the beads and I made it sturdy enough that, though I encourage him not to pull on it for my own comfort, I know it won't break easily with a little tugging.
I have been asked about our necklaces, if we wear them simply to match or if they have meaning. Women who have heard about amber teething necklaces have asked me if it works at all and how.
I started using Lil Pumpkin's amber teething necklace on him almost immediately after it was gifted to us by our friend who's name is, ironically, Amber (Thanks again hun!). I was a little confused as to how it worked at first. The necklace was comfortable on Lil Pumpkin but not long enough for him to gum on it, which is what I thought he was supposed to do. My friend Valesa explained the proper use of the necklace to me - that it is only meant to be worn against the skin and works through that body contact. She'd used amber necklaces with her kids with positive results.
I am careful not to let Lil Pumpkin sleep with his necklace on, just in case. He doesn't seem to notice that it is on when he does wear it and I have noticed a lift in his attitude at times when he does wear it on his grumpy, teething days.
What is Amber and Why Does it Work?
Amber isn't actually a stone, its a petrified resin
Note that there are many shops that sell Amber Resin - this is not necessarily the healing amber stone and can just be artificial resin colored to look like amber.
The awesome properties of amber were first found by the Ancient Greeks - or, at least, first recorded by them. Ancient astronaut theorists and new age spiritualists insist it has been used much longer than then and I'm in no position to say they are right or wrong.
One of the most intriguing properties of amber is whats called
The Turboelectric Effect. The idea is that amber is electrically charged when rubbed with wool or silk or statically charged when in contact with the human body (running water discharges it).
This turboelectric effect is a great way to test if the amber you have is real amber or if it is a false amber like dyed resin or Copal. You can read more about this electrical effect of amber over at Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy.
Another test for amber is that it will float in salted water. Sellers might not let you do this in the store but if you do it at home and you have a sinker, take it back and get your money to buy a real one.
Healing Properties of Amber
Early physicians prescribed amber for headaches, heart problems, arthritis and a variety of other ailments.
Amber's anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are recognized by allopathic medicine as a natural analgesic.
When worn, the oils from the amber are released by the body's heat and absorbed into the skin where the body benefits from its pain-releiving properties and other benefits.
Amber, especially in conjunction with copper, has often been used to remedy arthritis pain.
Some people say any true amber will work while others say only Baltic Amber with its succinic acid will do. All types can be found online in teething necklaces, jewelry, arthritis bracelets, and so on.
Baltic amber is believed to help relieve eczema, speed up wound healing and stave off ear and throat inflammation, amongst other ailments.
I have also read that the amber necklaces are only a placebo. I'm not sure how that can be the case since placebo effect is when the person is given something, told it is medicine, and it works. My 7 month old isn't able to understand the concepts of medicine or how it works and is therefore not someone a placebo would work on.
Metaphysical Associations
- Goddesses, especially those of beauty, healing, and fertility/sexuality like Freyja and Aphrodite.
- Angel Association: Uriel
- Chakra: Sacral and Solar Plexus (though I have heard it is linked to the Base chakra too and the dark, medium, and light colors can be used on all three for lower level healing)
- Zodiac: Fire signs, especially Leo
- Amber is called "solid sunlight."
This is a stone of good luck, beauty, manifestation, and energy, especially when that energy has a revitalizing or trasformational force. Amber radiates a positive energy but is one of the more delicate stones. Because it is a stone that draws out disease, pain, and bad vibes it does need to be cleansed - this is not a self cleanser.
Amber is a relatively soft stone so I would stick with airy cleansing techniques like smudging or cleansing by placing on a larger crystal or crystal grid.
Stones that pair well energetically with Amber:
Jet (another plant material that has petrified, also a healer), clear quartz (amplifies all stones it is used with), carnelian (for a major energy boost), citrine (for self-esteem and manifestation, and sunstone (for SAD and solar plexus healing)
How to Use Amber With Your Little Terrestrials
Teething Jewelry - can be worn against the skin to ease pain and give an energy boost when they have the grumps or feel sickly. Babies can wear the necklace so long as its not uncomfortable or too long for them to chew or choke on. Older toddlers or children can wear bracelets or even anklets of the beads as well.
*Buy necklaces that are knotted (the cord is knotted between each and every bead) for safety, that are from a reliable business (able to check ot make sure it is real amber), the beads are smooth (jagged or pointed beads would be uncomfortable against the baby's skin), and the clasp is a pop clasp (also for safety).
Aid SAD (seasonal affective disorder) - pair these solid sunshine stones with a happy light or some real sunshine when possible and, perhaps a vitamin D supplement
At bedtime - while amber does has some wake up energy, it is also good for keeping away bad dreams, the boogeyman, and general fear and anxiety. Add to a dream pillow, doll, or near your Himilayan salt lamp.