Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I'm in the Breastfeeding Book Project

I wanted to share my excitement that my breastfeeding story will be in the Breastfeeding Book Project over on Serenity Grows.
I saw this a while back thought, sure I'm happy to share. As a mother who attempted a natural birth and ended up with a c-section, I know that my story is both unique and yet one that many women also have been through/will go through. I wrote up a paragraph or two about my experience and emailed it in.
After submitting my story I got a generic "thanks" response and that they would get back to me if my story was selected. To be honest, I was a little doubtful at the time that my story would make the cut.

July 2nd, I got an email from Maranda of Serenity Grows:
Dear Mommas,

If you are receiving this email, CONGRATULATIONS! Your story submission has been chosen to be a part of our Breastfeeding Book Project!
I'm thrilled to announce that we are in the final editing phases of the book. The cover is being completed by a graphic artist as I type this. And distribution channels have been made. We are expecting its launch on October 1st, 2016 and pre-sell orders available in September!
Thank you all so much for contributing your heartfelt stories and sharing the beautiful rawness and truth of breastfeeding. If you have any questions, feel free to send them my way.

Love, light, + sunshine!

I bounced with happiness. As an aspiring author, this was a great step in the direction I want to be on! I wrote back with the tentative title: "Beautiful Post-Op Connection" and sent this picture:
I'm stoked about the project and will be sure to let you all know when the book is available.

Breastfeeding Blessings!

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